Career Forum Enahoro Okhae

The PAU Career and Internship unit will be hosting Enahoro Okhae (Mr. Leverage), the Managing Director of Pause Factory (West African Partner to 6 Seconds Emotional Intelligence Network USA), in a forum with our final year undergraduate students on Emotional Intelligence in the workplace.

Enahoro Okhae is also the Co-Founder of GlobalCerts and Strategy; (Nigerian Delivery Partner for The KPI Institute Australia.)

He is the founder of Simeon’s Pivot Resources; a leading Human Resource and Management Consulting Firm whose focus is on Performance
Improvement and he is the President of the Life Coaches Association of Nigeria (LCAN)

Enahoro sustains an unwavering commitment to magnifying man’s limited efforts in today’s workplace, business, and life. His major goal is; “to help individuals and organizations get the most out of themselves and help them get to their destination irrespective of where they are.” He consistently achieves this goal through Life/Business Coaching, Training Organizational Restructuring, Strategic Planning, Change Management, Scenario Planning, and other Human Resource Solutions.