Juan Elegido
Juan Manuel Elegido LLM (Madrid), PhD (Navarra), FCIT, FSCGN, FIAM
Professor Elegido is currently Professor of Professional Ethics at the University. He has served as Vice-Chancellor of the University (2010-2021) and Dean of the Lagos Business School, the University’s graduate business school (2005-2009).
He was born in Madrid (Spain) in 1952. He has a licenciate degree in Law from the Universidad Central de Madrid (Spain) and a doctorate in Law from the Universidad de Navarra (Spain). He was one of the foundation staff of the Lagos Business School in 1991.
Professor Elegido is the author of seven books: Jurisprudence (1994), Fundamentals of Business Ethics (1996), Una Comunidad de Servicio - Ensayos en Etica de la Empresa (2000), Business Ethics in the Christian Tradition (2003), The Nature of Human Beings (2018), Introduction to Ethics (2020) and Issues in Media Ethics (2022). He has also published numerous articles on law and on business ethics in academic and professional journals. He has been listed for several years among the top 10% most highly cited scholars worldwide in the Social Science Research Network. His main area of research is the ethics of pricing.
He has served as director or chairman in several commercial and non-commercial organizations. He is also a member of the editorial board of two academic journals and of the Advisory Council of the Global Business School Network. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria, a Fellow of the Society for Corporate Governance Nigeria and a Fellow of the International Academy of Management.
a) Books
Jurisprudence, Ibadan, Spectrum, 1994
Fundamentals of Business Ethics, Ibadan, Spectrum, 1996 (Spanish translation published by IPADE, Mexico, D.F., 1998)
Una Comunidad de Servicio – Ensayos en Ética de la Empresa, México, D.F., IPADE, 2000.
Business Ethics in the Christian Tradition, Ibadan, Spectrum, 2003
The Nature of Human Beings. Lagos, Pan-Atlantic University Press. 2018
Introduction to Ethics. Lagos, Pan-Atlantic University Press. 2020
Issues in Media Ethics. Lagos, Pan-Atlantic University Press. 2022
b) Articles
Elegido, J. 2020. The ethics of pricing. In Eagle, L., Dahl, S, De Pelsmacker, P, and Taylor, C.R. (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Marketing Ethics.Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications, pp. 399-410.
Elegido, J. and Okonedo, E: 2018, Conflicts of interest in Nigerian financial institutions (I) - Conceptual and institutional issues, Journal of Corporate Governance,10(1), pp. 2088-2108.
Elegido, J. and Okonedo, E: 2018, Conflicts of interest in Nigerian financial institutions (II) - Normative issues, Journal of Corporate Governance,10(2) pp. 2197-2217.
Elegido, J. M.: 2011, “The Ethics of Price Discrimination.” Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 21 Issue 4.
Elegido, J. M.: 2013, “Does It Make Sense to Be a Loyal Employee?” Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 116, No. 3.
Elegido, J. M.: 2015, “The Just Price as the Price Obtainable in an Open Market." Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 130, No. 3.
Elegido, J.: 1986“Nigeria: The 1986 Sales Tax Decree,” Bulletin for International Fiscal Documentation 7.
Elegido, J.: 1987, “Concept of Interest in Nigerian Law of Taxation,” The Nigerian Banker 3.
Elegido, J.: 1987, “Liability of Non-Residents to Nigerian Tax,” International Business Lawyer 9
Elegido, J.: 1988, “The ‘wholly, exclusively, necessarily and reasonably’ Test in the Nigerian Law of Income Tax,” in Report of the 17th Annual Senior Staff Conference of the Federal Inland Revenue Department, Lagos, Federal Government Printer.
Elegido, J.: 1988, “The Nigerian Experience with Tax Clearance Certificates,” Bulletin for International Fiscal Documentation 6.
Elegido, J.: 1988, “Void Assessments to Income Tax in Nigeria,” Journal of African Law 1.
Elegido, J.: 1990, “Income Taxable in Nigeria,” The British Tax Review 1
Elegido, J.: 1991, “The Question of the Objectivity of Ethics and the Epistemology of Human Rights,” in O. F. Ike (ed.) Catholic Social Teachings En-Route in Africa, Enugu, CIDJAP.
Elegido, J.: 1993, “A Basic Rationale for Contract Law,” Persona y Derecho 28.
Elegido, J.: 1994, “Judges and Coups d’Etat,” Journal of Nigerian and Comparative Law 1/2.
Elegido, J.: 1995, “Intrinsic Limitations of Property Rights,” Journal of Business Ethics 14 (Also included in the book Una Comunidad de Servicio).
Elegido, J.: 1995, “Naturaleza de los Derechos Familiares de los Empleados” (“Nature of Employees’ Family Rights”) in D. Mele (ed.) Empresa y Vida Familiar, Barcelona, Estudios y Ediciones IESE (Also included in the book Una Comunidad de Servicio).
Elegido, J.: 1996, “Business Ethics as a Source of Competitive Advantage,” LBS Management Review 1/1.
Elegido, J.: 1996, “Prioridades en las Responsabilidades Sociales de la Empresa” (“Priorities among the Social Responsibilities of the Firm”) in D. Mele (ed.) Etica en el Gobierno de la Empresa, Barcelona, Estudios y Ediciones IESE.
Elegido, J.: 1997, “Fighting Corruption in Nigeria,” LBS Management Review 2/1 (Also included in the book Una Comunidad de Servicio).
Elegido, J.: 1998, “La Creacción de Valor para el Accionista como Ultimo Objetivo de la Empresa” (“Creating Shareholder Value as Ultimate Objective of the Firm”) in D. Mele (ed.) Etica en la Actividad Financiera, Barcelona, Estudios y Ediciones IESE (Also included in the book Una Comunidad de Servicio).
Elegido, J.: 1998, “La Responsabilidad Básica de la Empresa hacia sus Clientes” (“The Basic Responsibility of the Firm towards its Customers”) in D. Mele (ed.) Etica en Dirección Comercial y Publicidad, Barcelona, Estudios y Ediciones IESE (Also included in the book Una Comunidad de Servicio).
Elegido, J.: 1999, “Truthfulness in Financial Reporting,” LBS Management Review 4/1 (Also included in the book Una Comunidad de Servicio).
Elegido, J.: 2009, “Business Education and Erosion of Character.” African Journal of Business Ethics Vol 4, No. 1.
Elegido, J.: 2009, “The Just Price. Three Insights from the Salamanca School,” Journal of Business Ethics 90.
Elegido, J.M.: 2016, “Mutuality: A root principle for marketing ethics.” African Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 10, No. 1.
Elegido, J: 1987, “Nigeria: Taxation of Dividends,” Bulletin for International Fiscal Documentation 6.