Marvel Ogah
Dr Marvel Ogah is a full-time faculty and facilitates sessions in Operations Management at Lagos Business School.
His research areas include supply chain, lean methodology, service management, productivity cum process improvement initiatives in business organisations. He is currently working on the following research areas: digital supply chain, lean implementation bottlenecks, evolution of quality systems in Nigeria, and productivity cum employee change strategies in manufacturing organisations.
Marvel has worked at plant leadership and consulting roles within multinational cum local business environments spanning over two decades of operations management experience in leading manufacturing and service-oriented teams towards organisational excellence. His areas of expertise include efficient plant management, supply chain, robust S&OP process, capability building, operations strategy, business process improvement, process efficiency sustainability, and lean enterprise. He also has expertise in Process Kaizen Event (PKE) deployment geared towards sustainable value-driven operations.
He earned his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, an MBA (Operations Management) from Ambrose Alli University, Benin city, PGD in Chemical Engineering from University of Lagos, and a doctorate from Walden University, Minneapolis, USA.