Onafowokan Oluyombo
Onafowokan Oluyombo is a Professor and Head of, Department of Accounting, School of Management and Social Sciences, Pan-Atlantic University. He is a Chartered Accountant and holds a Ph.D. from the Department of Accounting and Finance, De Montfort University, Leicester, in the United Kingdom where he won the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria Ph.D. Research Grant. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (FCA), an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria (ACTI), and an Associate Member of the Nigerian Institute of Management (AMNIM).
Prior to joining PAU, he was with Redeemer’s University for 10 years where he won the Best Academic staff of the year in 2012, and the Vice-Chancellor Hero Award in 2009. He also served as the Editor of the University Journal of Management and Social Sciences. He edited two international books namely: Cooperative Finance in Developing Economies (2012); and Cooperative and Microfinance Revolution (2013). He had over 10 years of industry experience before joining academia.
Prof. Oluyombo teaches Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Management Accounting, and Accounting Theory. His other areas of expertise are Research methodology, Financial inclusion, Rural, and Microfinance.
Articles in Learned Journals
Oluyombo, O. O. (2004) Financial Empowerment of Female Entrepreneurs in Nigeria. Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 25-31.
Oluyombo, O. O. (2005) Interest-Free Banking in Nigeria: The Way Forward. The Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp 37-47.
Oluyombo, O. O. (2005) Regulatory Framework for Interest-Free Banking in Nigeria. Journal of Banking, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp 29-53.
Oluyombo, O. O. and Ogundimu, M. K. (2006) Microfinance as a Strategy for Poverty Alleviation in Nigeria. Journal of Business Management, Vol. 1 No 1, pp 71-79.
Oluyombo, O. O. (2007) Developing Microfinance Banking in Nigeria. Babcock Journal of Management and Social Sciences, Vol. 6 No. 1, pp 126-134.
Oluyombo, O. O. (2007) Regulatory and Supervisory Framework for Microfinance Institutions in Nigeria. Euro-Mediterranean Economics and Finance Review, Vol. 2 No. 3, pp 301-308.
Oluyombo, O. O. and Ogundimu, M. K. (2007) Financial Industry Reform and the Capital Base Question in Nigeria. International Journal of Development and Management Review, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp 189-199.
Oluyombo, O. O. (2007) Funding of Small Scale Enterprises: The Microfinance Option. Ilorin Journal of Business and Social Sciences, Vol. 12 No. 1, pp 1-9.
Oluyombo, O. O. and Ikomi, F. M. (2008) The Nigerian Banking Sector Regulation and Economic Development. Journal of Business Management, Vol. 2 No. 1 & 2, pp 83-96.
Oluyombo, O. O. and Olabisi, J. B. (2008) Risk Management in Microfinance Institutions. Journal of Applied Economics, Vol. 1 No. 1, pp 104-112.
Oluyombo, O. O. (2010) Assessing the Impact of Savings and Credit Cooperatives Among Monthly Income Earners. Journal of Research in National Development, Vol. 8, No 2b, pp 407-415.
Oluyombo, O. O. (2011) The Impact of Microfinance Bank Credits on Economic Development of Nigeria (1992 – 2006) International Journal of Development and Management Review, Vol. 6 No. 1, . pp. 139-150.
Oluyombo, O. (2011) Impact of Informal Microfinance on Rural Enterprises. Journal of Research in National Development, Vol. 9, No. 1b, pp. 258-264.
Oluyombo, O. (2013) Impact of Cooperative Finance on Household Income Generation. DLSU Business and Economic Review. Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 53-65.
Oluyombo, O. (2013) The Role of Co-operative Loans in Rural Finance: Evidence from Ogun State, Nigeria. Journal of Co-operative Studies. Vol. 46. No. 1, pp. 5-15.
Oluyombo, O. (2013) Impact of Cooperative Societies Savings Scheme in Rural Finance: Some Evidence from Nigeria. Economic Review – Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. XI, Issue 1, pp. 77-88.
Oluyombo, O. (2013) The Role of Cooperative Societies on Standard of Living in Ogun State, Nigeria. ICAN Journal of Accounting and Finance. Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 133-142.
Oluyombo, O. (2013) Household Assets and Rural Finance in Nigeria. Applied Economics Journal. Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 55-74.
Aina, S. and Oluyombo, O. (2014) The Economy of Financial Inclusion in Nigeria: Theory, Practice and Policy. CIBN Occasional Papers Series. Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. i-32.
Oluyombo, O. (2014) Co-operative Society Finance and Socio-economic Well-being of Participants’ Children. Journal of Banking. Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 77-92
Oluyombo, O. (2014) Talent Management in Nigerian Banks. Bank Quest. Vol. 85, No. 3, pp. 132-138
Oluyombo, O. O (2018) Theories of Poverty and Rural Finance Policy in Nigeria. Jigawa Journal of Politics 1(1), pp. 130-144.
Oluyombo, O. O (2018) Analysis of Cooperative Financial and Enterprises Financial Crises. African Journal of Management. 3(2), pp. 11-26.
Oluyombo, O. O. and Olayinka, O. M. (2018) Tax Compliance and Government Revenue Growth in Nigeria. LAPAI International Journal of Administration. 1(2), pp. 245-253
Oluyombo, O. O. (2018) Cooperative Finance and Profitability of Rural Enterprises in Ogun State. Journal of Accounting and Management. 1(1), pp. 162-176.
Oluyombo, O. O. and Okunola, A. O. (2018) Audit Expectation Gap in the Public Sector: A Conceptual Analysis. LAPAI International Journal of Administration. 1(2), pp. 205-215.
Oluyombo, O. O. (2019). The Accounting Profession: Throw Back, Throw In and Throw Out. Pan Atlantic University Inaugural Lecture. 9, pp. 1-30.
Oluyombo, O. O. (2019). Micro and Cooperative Finance Programs Beneficiaries’ Assessment: Quality of Life vs. Standard of Living. International Journal of Intellectual Discourse. 1(2), pp. 315 -322.
Olabisi, J., Oluyombo, O. O., Dada, J. O., and Okunola, A. O. (2019) Impact of Profitability Performance on Cross Listed Nigerian Firms. Journal of Accounting and Management. 2(1), pp. 10-17.
Chapters in Books
Oluyombo, O. O. (2012) The Place of Cooperatives in Nigerian Microfinance. In O. O. Oluyombo, ed. Cooperative Finance in Developing Economies. Lagos: Soma Prints Limited, pp. 81-95.
Oluyombo, O. O. (2012) Introduction. In O. O. Oluyombo, ed. Cooperative Finance in Developing Economies. Lagos: Soma Prints Limited, pp. 1-7.
Oluyombo, O. O. and Jallow, K. (2013) Do Informal Microfinance Loans Meet the Financial Needs of Rural Dwellers? In O. O. Oluyombo, ed. Cooperative and Microfinance Revolution. Lagos: Soma Prints Limited, 129-141
Oluyombo, O. O. (2013) Cooperative and Microfinance: Any Revolution? In O. O. Oluyombo, ed. Cooperative and Microfinance Revolution. Lagos: Soma Prints Limited, 1-8
Oluyombo, O. O. and Iriobe, G. O. (2017) Microfinance Impact Assessment Methodologies: Is it Qualitative, Quantitative or Both? In Cumming, D; Dong, Y; Hou, W; and Sen, B. Microfinance for Entrepreneurial Development: Sustainability and Inclusion in Emerging Markets. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. pp 153-168.
Oluyombo, O. O. (2017) The History and Political Economy of Banking Sector Reforms in Nigeria and Ghana. In Enwere, C., Aytac, O. and Khalil-Babatunde, eds. A Comparative Study of Nigeria: Lessons from the Global South. Abuja: Nile University of Nigeria. pp. 99-120.
Edited Books
Oluyombo, O. O. (2012) Cooperative Finance in Developing Economies. Lagos: Soma Prints Limited.
Oluyombo, O. O. (2013) Cooperative and Microfinance Revolution. Lagos: Soma Prints Limited.
Published Conference Proceedings
Oluyombo, O. O. (2010) Assessment of Rural Sustainable Development by Microfinance Banks in Nigeria. IESD Ph.D. Conference: Energy and Sustainable Development. pp. 126-137. (Leicester)
Oluyombo, O. O. (2013) The Impact of Informal Microfinance on Enterprise Financial Crises. Conference on Coping with Crisis: Re-evaluating the Role of Crises in Economic and Social History. pp. 33 (Durham)
Oluyombo, O. (2016) Poverty and Rural Finance in Africa: Moving Theories into Policies. 2016 ICAN Published Refereed Conference Proceedings. 711 – 724.
Authored Books
Oluyombo, O. O. (2004) Non-Interest (Islamic) Banking: Principles and Practice. Lagos: Kings & Queen Associates.
Oluyombo, O. O. (2011) Research Companion for Students and Professional. Ogun: Treasure Land Academy.
Oluyombo, O. O. (2014) Fundamentals of Finance, Money and Banking. Revised edition. Lagos: Kings & Queen Associates.
Oluyombo, O. O. (2016) Basics of Financial Markets. Lagos: Phillips Consulting Ltd.
Oluyombo, O. O. (2016) Basics of Banking. Lagos: Phillips Consulting Ltd.
Oluyombo, O. O. (2017) Introduction to Financial Accounting. Lagos: National Open University of Nigeria
Oluyombo, O. O. (2018) My Star Must Shine. Ogun: Kings & Queen Associates
Oluyombo, O. O. (2018) Financial Accounting With Ease. 3rd edition (revised). Ogun: Kings & Queen Associates.
Edited Journals
Redeemer’s University Journal of Management and Social Sciences. Vol. 1, No. 1, June 2013.
Redeemer’s University Journal of Management and Social Sciences. Vol. 1, No. 2, December 2013.
Redeemer’s University Journal of Management and Social Sciences. Vol. 2, No. 1, June 2014.
Redeemer’s University Journal of Management and Social Sciences. Vol. 2, No. 2, December 2014.
Redeemer’s University Journal of Management and Social Sciences. Vol. 3, No. 1, June 2015.
Technical Reports (publicly available)
Oluyombo, O. O; Mohanty, B. P. and Lambert, S (2008) United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Youth Peer Education Evaluation Report for Serbia. Being the outcome of the evaluation conducted in Serbia. January 21-25.
Mohanty, B. P. and Oluyombo, O. O. (2008) United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Youth Peer Education Evaluation Report for Egypt. Being the outcome of the evaluation conducted in Egypt. January 27-29.
Debattista, J. and Oluyombo, O. O. (2008) United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Youth Peer Education Evaluation Report for Turkey. Being the outcome of the evaluation conducted in Turkey. January 30 – February 2.
Technical Report (not publicly available)
Oluyombo, O. O. (2012) Redeemer’s University. Assessing the Impact of Informal Microfinance on Socio-economic Wellbeing of Rural Dwellers in Ogun State, Nigeria. Being the outcome of the research conducted in 2011-2012.
Book and Article Reviews
Principles of Accounting – 3rd Edition, by Inanga, E. L. and Adelegan, O. J. (Emeritus Professor of Accounting and Business Finance at Maastricht School of Management, Netherland and a Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Business Finance, University of Ibadan, Nigeria respectively). Ibadan: Heinemann Publishers Plc. 2011.
Impact of Microfinance Banks on Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Nigeria. Ibadan: Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER), 2015.
Sustainable Development Goals and Microfinance Sector Efficiency. International Conference of Accounting and Business 2019. School of Accounting, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
ICAN PhD research grant proposal (four applicants). March 2019
Conferences/Workshops/Courses Attended
Oluyombo, O. O. and Ogundimu, M. K. (2006) Nigeria Financial Industry Reforms and the Capital Base Question. International Conference on Structural Reforms and Management of Financial Institutions in Nigeria. Organised by Department of Banking and Finance. Olabisi Onabanjo University. Nigeria. March 15 – 17.
Oluyombo, Onafowokan (2007) “Regulatory and Supervisory Framework for Microfinance Institutions in Nigeria. 4th International Finance Conference. Organised by Universite de Cergy-Pontoise, France, ISC School of Management, Paris, Thema; Universite De Sfax, Tunisia and University of 7 November, Tunisia. March 15 -17.
Training of Trainers of the Microfinance Certification Program by Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC) and Ateneo De Manila University, Philippines. Nov. 23, 2009 – Dec. 11, 2009.
Oluyombo, Onafowokan (2010) “Impact of Informal Microfinance on Rural Enterprises” Accounting and Finance PhD Seminar. Organised by Department of Accounting and Finance. De Montfort University, Leicester, United Kingdom, May 18.
Oluyombo, Onafowokan (2010) “Assessment of Rural Sustainable Development by Microfinance Banks in Nigeria” IESD PhD Conference: Energy and Sustainable Development. Organised by Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development, De Montfort University, Leicester, United Kingdom, May 21.
Research Methods Workshop on Experimental Design for Savings and Payments Research. Economic Policy Research Centre, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda. June 20 – 23, 2013.
Evidence on Innovations in Savings and Payments Conference. Speke Resort, Munyonyo, Uganda. June 24 – 25, 2013.
Oluyombo, Onafowokan (2013) “Impact of Informal Microfinance on Enterprise Financial Crises. Conference on Coping with Crisis: Re-evaluating the Role of Crises in Economic and Social History. Organised by Durham University, United Kingdom. July 26 -28.
National Workshop and Curriculum Development on the Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) in Nigerian Universities. Organised by National Universities Commission and White Knight Consulting, Abuja, May 12 – 14, 2014.
Pre-Induction Orientation Workshop Programme 2015. Organised by Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria, Lagos. November 23 – 25.
Oluyombo, O. (2016) “Poverty and Rural Finance in Africa: Moving Theories into Policies. 2nd Academic Conference on Accounting and Finance. Organised by Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria. Lagos. May 18–20.
1st National FinTech Conference 2017. Organised by Digital Finance Institute (Canada), Fintech Associates and Centre for Financial Studies. Lagos, April 24.
Pedagocical Workshop Based On Mit Empowering the Teacher Program 2017. Pan Atlantic University. Lagos. October 5.
Oluyombo, O. O. (2017) Strategies for Taking Advantage of Financial and Social Inclusion Programmes’ Lagos State Government Ministry of Women Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, 2017 Annual Management Retreat. Pelican Hotel and Resort, Lagos, November 16-18.
Oluyombo (2017) Effective Research Project Writing Workshop. For Final Year B.Sc Students, School of Management and Social Sciences, Pan Atlantic University. December 12.
Oluyombo, O. O. (2017) Sourcing for Grants and Sponsorship. Federal College of Dental Technology and Therapy, Enugu, Management and Leadership Retreat, at Sheraton Hotel, Lagos December 14 – 16.
Oluyombo, O. O. (2018) Internal Generated Revenue and Local Government Development. MIRDEC-7th, International Academic Conference on Social Science, Multidisciplinary and Globalization Studies. Madrid, Spain. March 26-29.
Oluyombo, O. O. (2018) Team Management and Spirit Building. Lagos State Government Ministry of Women Affairs and Poverty Alleviation Political Women Leadership Programme. Mensvic Grand Hotels, Ghana. July 6-9
Oluyombo, O. O. (2018) Politics of Conflict Resolution. Lagos State Government Ministry of Women Affairs and Poverty Alleviation Political Women Leadership Programme. Mensvic Grand Hotels, Ghana. July 6-9
The Writing Clinic Workshop. Organized by School of Media and Communication, Pan Atlantic University. Lagos, March 19-22, 2019
Oluyombo, O. O. (2019). The Power of District Society In Tax Education and Professional Bonding. Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria VI-Lekki & District Society. Marco Polo Hotel &Suites, Lekki. June 8.
Oluyombo, O. O. (2019). Nigeria Accounting Faculty Perspectives on Textbook Selection. International Conference on Accounting, Finance and Insurance, Lagos State University, Lagos. June 10 -12
Oluyombo, O. O. (2019). Post Recapitalisation: Sustainable Growth, Opportunities & Threats. 4th National Association of Microfinance Banks, Lagos Chapter. Retreat for MD/CEO of Microfinance Banks. Providence Hotel & Suites, Abeokuta. July 12-13.
Oluyombo, O. O. (2019). The Role of Social Capital and Hierarchy of Needs Theories in Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Growth. 8th Applied Research Conference in Africa, University of Ghana, Ghana. August 15-17