Enterprise Development Centre (EDC)
Since it was established in 2003, the focus of the EDC has been professionalizing and equipping managers of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) with the skills needed to achieve and sustain success in their entrepreneurial endeavours. Its flag-ship programme is the Certificate programme in Entrepreneurial Management (CEM) through which it trains and supports over 150 new business owners every year.
EDC has begun running the Social Sector Management (SSM) programme. The aim of this programme is to educate managers of NGOs and other social entrepreneurs to creatively manage their resources and to professionalise their work so that the projects they are involved in become sustainable. Each annual edition of the programme will train 25 managers.
EDC operates as a membership club and offers the following support services to its members: Advisory Services (Expert-In- Residence), Professional Services, Network Meeting Dinner/Lunch, Consulting amongst others.
These are organizations and individuals who collaborate in the EDC initiative. They include multinational organisations such as Goldman Sachs, International Finance Corporation (IFC), Coca-Cola Africa Foundation, Hewlett-Packard (HP) Nigeria and United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).
Lagos Business School Alumni– They form the core of professionals, volunteering and rendering specific services.
Volunteers– These are persons who donate of their time and professional services in the areas of assistance offered to members.
Collaborations in Provision of Services Internationally
Through a three-year grant from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the EDC model is being replicated in six institutions in four African countries, namely Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda. The institutions in which these models are being replicated are:
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- School of Finance & Banking, Rwanda
- University of Ghana Business School, Ghana
- Strathmore University, Kenya
- United States International University, Kenya
- Jumo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology, Kenya
- University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
In further collaboration with Goldman Sachs, EDC is working with Cuttington University (in Liberia) to develop its faculty and to help it develop a certificate program in entrepreneurial management.
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