Africa Rising – LBS Hosts Premier of Guateng, South Africa

The Premier of Guateng, South Africa, David Makhura, visited Lagos Business School (LBS) today, Friday, June 2, 2017 and was welcomed by members of the management board and faculty.

Dr Uchenna Uzo, MBA Director, Lagos Business School in his welcome address stated that the visit was in line with the objective of developing responsible leaders for Africa and the world. He explained that visits such as this further exposed the LBS MBA students (future African business leaders) to Pan-African perspectives of business, cross border opportunities and connections outside the classroom.

During his visit, the Premier delivered a lecture which critically examined the narrative of ‘Africa Rising’. He stated that even though economic growth plays a key role in determining how far Africa has risen, it is not the only factor that should be considered in the Africa rising narrative. “The Africa rising narrative misses the point because it does not address the issues we as African’s are concerned about. It is not enough to look into economic growth only to determine the rise of Africa” he said.

Makura further stated the various factors which determine and shape the Africa rising narrative which include: The need for African countries to produce and manufacture goods; Youth empowerment; Strong leadership and governance; Active participation and investment of the middle class in their own countries and other African countries cohesively. “There is no African country that can advance and make progress without working with other African countries” he said.

In regards to youth empowerment he stressed that it is a necessity because a common problem in Africa is youth unemployment and there is a dire need for African countries to develop its human resources as the youth are Africa’s greatest asset. “Africa is a youthful continent; its youth are its greatest asset. We must continue to invest in our youth as they are drivers of regeneration” he said.

The MBA students appreciated the Premier for the lecture and engaged him with questions which led to healthy discussions bordering on how the LBS MBA is helping them shape their understanding of the Africa Rising narrative and how they hope to be responsible and effective leaders for the growth that Africa is bound to record.


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