Dr Norbert Edomah of the School of Science & Technology, together with other European and African partners, have recently won a €360,000 grant from the European Commission for a 2-year action research aimed at addressing issues surrounding Green Waste Management and Micro-Entrepreneurship Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Nigeria and Ghana – GreenVETAfrica (GVA).
The project, which kicked off in January 2023, will:
- Analyse the skill gaps and market demands for Green Waste Management.
- Design a multi-competence programme including technical green waste, basic ICT skills, and green micro-entrepreneurship.
- Deploy a train-the-trainers programme engaging 50 trainers in Nigeria and Ghana.
- Pilot a 3-month dual learning VET programme with 100 students (50 in Nigeria and 50 in Ghana).
- Foster valorization, replication and official accreditation of the GVA VET programme by both Ghanaian and Nigerian authorities (and possibly beyond through the partners’ international network) and promote the learners’ employability.