Akudo Ijezie
Ms. Ijezie holds a first-class Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Mathematics from the University of Benin, and equally, a Master’s degree in Industrial Mathematics, with specialization in Numerical Analysis. She is also pursuing her Doctorate degree in Industrial Mathematics at the University of Benin.
Currently, she teaches Business Mathematics and Statistics to first- and second-year undergraduates at PAU respectively.
Her research interests are on providing numerical solutions to initial and boundary value problems of ordinary differential equations that arise in the mathematical models of real-life phenomenon.
- IJEZIE, A. P. and MUKA, K. O. (2019), “Modified SDBDF Based on a Non-Zero Root of the Second Characteristics Polynomial”. Journal of Science and Technology Research 1(2) 2019 pp. 128-135
- MUKA, K. O., Olu-Oseh, and A. S., IJEZIE, A. P. (2018), “New Third Derivative Linear Multistep Methods for Stiff IVPs”. Transactions of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 7, pp. 127 – 134.
- IJEZIE, A. P. and MUKA, K. O. (2017), “On Two Non-Zero Roots of Modified SDBDF for Stiff Systems”. World Journal of Applied Science and Technology, Vol. 9 No 2, pp. 141 – 149.