Why PAU?

Why PAU?

World class education
PAU has a well-earned reputation, both locally and internationally, as an institution that provides world class education

Closeness to Industry
The curriculum at the university is developed in close collaboration with industry leaders as well as professional bodies. In addition, each of the schools has an Advisory Board composed of industry professionals with whom the management of the schools meet regularly. Furthermore, professional courses are very different from programmes in the arts or in the physical or social sciences. Offering them to you at a very high level of quality requires deploying a practice-oriented style of teaching and doing research. PAU has developed the required skills and values over many years of experience in offering professional development programmes to many business executives and communication professionals. We are now committed to deploying these skills and values towards helping you lay a sound foundation for your professional careers.

Personalised Education
You will receive an education that is personalised (you will have a personal faculty adviser throughout your stay in PAU)

Education in freedom and for freedom
Strong beliefs and values can only be acquired in an atmosphere of responsible freedom. You will therefore be afforded the liberty necessary to enable you freely internalise good values. Thus empowered, you will be expected to make decisions and to be accountable for those decisions.

Well-rounded education
About a third of your study time will be dedicated to the liberal arts/humanities. The aim of this is to help broaden your culture and improve your ability to engage in critical thinking.

You’ll become part of the most vibrant alumni network in Nigeria