Ph.D. in Management

The Philosophy of the Pan-Atlantic University MPhil/Ph.D. management programme offers a globally competitive capacity building and high standard graduate education and training in the diverse areas of management. The aim is to deepen students’ knowledge in evidence-based research and equip them with the relevant scientific analytical tools in management research to engender the responsibility of undertaking independent industrial and policy-relevant research for societal benefit. The programme is guided strongly by the University’s commitment to form committed and competent professionals through any training platforms that help build a better society. Quality scientific research output, especially in diverse management areas, is imperative to achieving this mission. Consequently, the programme is designed to develop the student’s capacity for scientific inquiry to probe and provide solutions to management-related societal problems. This would be achieved by taking on teaching and research responsibilities in higher institutions and the public and private sectors.

The objective of the Programme

The need to provide quality, relevant and globally competitive training in management cannot be overemphasised, especially in a developing country like Nigeria. This is because management is a fundamental aspect of efficient and effective harnessing and utilising physical, financial, and human resources to attain organisational, national, and global goals through a well-developed, coordinated and implemented strategic framework. Therefore, within its mission, the university aims to provide world-class research capacity development and training through the PhD programme focusing on management fundamentals. Thus, the programme sets out to:

  • Produce scholars with the capacity for undertaking research and in-depth analysis in their chosen area of management.
  • Deepen students’ knowledge to independently deploy globally relevant methodological tools of scientific research to their chosen field in management.
  • Equip students with the capacity for critical thinking and analysis of management research findings to effectively communicate and disseminate the results.
  • Develop and produce scholars with the capacity to deliver quality and globally relevant research output to increase the frontier of knowledge in the management literature.
  • To equip students with the analytical tools to probe into management-related societal problems with critical thinking ability and pedagogical approach to providing evidence-based and policy-relevant solutions.

A team of  faculty members will provide all the necessary support including teaching and supervision to enable you attain the world-class status as a doctoral graduate. The programme is designed to allow for close interaction with faculty members.

Faculty members include the following:

1 Prof. Chantal Epie LLB, M.Sc, DBA


Human Resource Management/Organisational Behaviour
2 Prof. Juan Elegido LLB, M.Sc, PhD


Business Ethics
3 Prof. Perekunah Bright Eregha B.Sc (ed.), M.Sc, PhD


Macroeconomics, International Finance and Applied Econometrics
4 Prof. Onafowokan Oluyombo B.Sc, M.Sc, PhD, FCA


Accounting and Finance
5 Prof. Ogbechie Chris B.Sc., MBA, PhD


6 Prof. Okonedo Enase B.Sc., MBA, DBA


7 Prof. Owolabi Akintola B.Sc, MPhil., MBA, PhD


Accounting and Finance
8 Prof. David-West Olayinka B.Sc., MBA, DBA


Management Information Systems
9 Dr. Agwu Edwin B.Sc., MBA, PhD

Assoc. Professor

10 Prof. Kemi Ogunyemi LLB, LLM, MBA, PhD


Business Ethics
11 Dr. Oluwasola Oni B.Sc, M.Sc, PhD

Senior Lecturer

Management Information Systems
12 Dr. Olamitunji Dakare B.Sc, M.Sc, PhD

Senior Lecturer

Strategic Management/Entrepreneurship
13 Dr. Olusegun Vincent M.Sc., M.A, PhD, FCA, ACTI

Senior Lecturer

Accounting, Corporate Governance, Taxation and Finance.
14 Dr. Norbert Edomah B.Sc, M.Sc, PhD

Senior Lecturer

Production Management/ Operations Research/ Energy and Environmental Sustainability
15 Dr Emeka Osuji B.Sc, LLB, M.Sc, PhD

Senior Lecturer

International Economics and Financial Inclusion
16 Prof. Otubanjo Tayo B.Sc, M.Sc, PhD


17 Prof. Uzo Uchenna B.Sc, M.Sc, MRM, PhD


Strategic Management and Marketing

Programme Structure and Graduation Requirements

The Programme is designed for a full time of 3-6 years and a Part-time of 4-8 years aimed at awarding the Pan-Atlantic University degree of PhD in Management with the following areas of specialization:

  • General Management
  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • Human Resources
  • Operations and Production Management
  • Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship
  • Organizational Behaviour
  • Accounting

The maximum years for full time PhD programme is 6 years while that of part-time is 8 years.

The programme involves both course work and research (thesis). The course work is to be undertaken in the first year (first and second semester) focusing on core and elective courses. The elective courses are to be offered depend on the chosen area of specialization of the candidate.  Table 1 shows the programme structure for the award of each degree.

The Programme Structure

MPhil/PhD Candidate PhD Candidate
Core Courses 1st Semester Year 1 Core Courses 1st Semester Year 1
One Core Course and  Elective Courses 2nd Semester, Year 1 One Core Course and Elective Courses 2nd Semester, year 1
Seminar I: Proposal 1st Semester, Year 2 Seminar I: Proposal 1st Semester, Year 2
Seminar II: PhD Conversion** 1st Semester, Year 2 Seminar II: Post-Field 2nd Semester, Year 2
Seminar III: Post Field 2nd  Semester, Year 2 Quality Control & Paper Publication 1st Semester, Year 3
Quality Control & Paper Publication 1st Semester, Year 3 PhD Oral Defense 2nd Semester, Year 3
PhD Oral Defense 2nd Semester, Year 3

Note: **If candidate fails PhD conversion, the candidate proceeds to complete the thesis for the award of MPhil Degree. Otherwise, the candidate will be awarded PhD.

PhD Programme

All students on PhD programme shall offer and pass a minimum of 36 credit units made up of

S/N Description Total Credit Units
i. Six (6) core courses of 3 credit units each 18 units
ii. Two (2) elective Courses of 3 credit units each 6 units
iii. Thesis 12 units
Total Credits 36 units


M.Phil./PhD Programme

All students on M.Phil./PhD programme shall be converted to PhD, if the following conditions are fulfilled;

  1. Candidate shall register for not less than two academic sessions
  2. Candidate has to take required coursework and present a conversion seminar. The average score in the course work and the conversion seminar shall not be less than 60%.
  • Candidate with 60% average and above gets converted to PhD.
  1. With the conversion to PhD seminar, M.Phil/PhD candidates shall have an addition of 4 credit units to pass a minimum of 40 credit units.



First Year

First Semester Year One
Couse Code Course Title Units Status
MGT 911 Advanced Research Methodology 3 C
MGT 912 Management Thoughts and Philosophy 3 C
MGT 913 Advanced Seminar on Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship 3 C
MGT 914 Advanced Seminar on Globalization Issues 3 C
Total 12  



Second Semester, Year One
Course Code Course Title Units Status
MGT 921 Advanced Quantitative Techniques 3 C
MGT 922 PhD Seminar Series 3 C
At least any 2 electives from area of specialization   6 E
Total 12  



Course Code Course Title Units Status
MGT 923 Nigerian Business Environment 3 E
MGT 924 Governments, Business and Society 3 E
MGT 925 Technologies, the Firm and Management 3 E
MGT 926 Management Communication 3 E
MGT 927 Advanced Marketing Theory 3 E
MGT 928 Marketing Management and Strategies 3 E
MGT 929 Development of Marketing Thought 3 E
MGT 930 Readings & Seminar in Marketing Research 3 E
MGT 931 Behavioural Science 3 E
MGT 932 Human Behaviour In Organization 3 E
MGT 933 Selected Topics in Organisational Behaviour 3 E
MGT 934 Advanced Organizational Theory 3 E
MGT 935 Operations Management 3 E
MGT 936 Operations Strategy 3 E
MGT 937 Project Management 3 E
MGT 938 Service Management        3 E
MGT 939 Entrepreneurship and New Venture Management 3 E
MGT 940 Entrepreneurial Finance 3 E
MGT 941 Competitive Strategy 3 E
MGT 942 Contemporary Issues in Human Resource Management 3 E
MGT 943 Advanced Human Resource Management 3 E
MGT 944 Seminar in Training, Development, Leadership and Productivity 3 E
MGT 945 Advanced Theory of Corporate Finance 3 E
MGT 946 Advanced Portfolio Theory and Management 3 E
MGT 947 Advanced Theory of Financial Intermediation 3 E
MGT 948 Empirical Investigations in Finance 3 E
MGT 949 History of Accounting Thought 3 E
MGT 950 Advanced Financial Accounting Theory 3 E
MGT 951 Advanced Auditing Theory 3 E
MGT 952 Contemporary Issues in Accounting 3 E
MGT 953 Public Sector Accounting 3 E
MGT 954 Environmental Accounting 3 E



Second Year

First Semester
Course Code Course Title Units Status
MGT 999 Thesis/Proposal Presentation 4 C
Second Semester
MGT 999 Thesis/Post-Field Presentation 4 C

Note: M.Phil/PhD students are to make conversion presentation before the post-field.


Third Year

Course Code Course Title Units Status
MGT 999 Final Oral Defence 4 C


[1] Only MGT 911 and MGT 921 will be taught courses, all other courses will be by reading, seminars and reviews

The annual calendar of the PAU PhD in Management programme runs from October to July each year.


MGT 911 Advanced Research Methodology

The course will first lay foundation for different research philosophies and epistemological perspectives. This course shall explore basic research procedures for quantitative and qualitative studies in business, choosing research strategies, research designs and critical review of the literature, finding a sample, qualitative and quantitative data analysis – statistics, econometrics and mathematical approaches, hypothesis formulation and testing. Research students will be exposed to different research instruments, how to design a questionnaire, how to carryout instrument reliability and validity and appropriateness of different data sources for different studies. Emphasis is on statistical inference and multiple linear regression models, polynomial regression, test of independence and goodness of fit. Also how to use dummy variables and research report writing shall be examined. Practical assignments should be given.

MGT 912        Management Thoughts and Philosophy

The course will take an in-depth perspective into management evolution and schools of thought. The contributions of management schools from scientific, behavioural, situational, contingency and systems schools will be espoused. This course shall deal with evaluation and comparative analysis of management decision-making process.  Planning strategies and objective setting, forecasting as a guide to planning process; organizing, departmentalization, line and staff organizations structure shall be discussed extensively.  Staffing-manager selection, reward, Development and Performance, Directing, Leadership, Motivation, Communication and Control actions.

MGT 913     Advanced Seminars on Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship

This course will expose the students to grand, competitive and growth strategies entrepreneurs could use to sustain their business. Students will gain a well-developed understanding of business enterprises and the entrepreneurial and strategic thinking that drives them in a dynamic, competitive regional, national, and global economy. Students will learn to apply entrepreneurial and strategic management practices (e.g., using case analysis) to organizations of varying sizes. An integral component, futures studies, shall involve an introduction into thinking about the future, the foundation of the field, its methodologies, link to planning, decision-making, strategy and public policy. The relationship between core competences (at the company level) and key success factors at the industry shall be examined.

MGT 914     Advanced Seminars on Globalization Issues

Globalization Overview: Why has the global economy grown so rapidly? How is it affecting the environment, local economics, and social and cultural customs throughout the world? ; Questioning Free Trade: What are the positive and negative impacts of free trade? ; Economic globalization and technological changes: these processes are examined in relation to the national development or under-development. It also examines multinational companies, their histories, the reasons for these companies’ special mobility and the impact on developing world; Globalization and the Environment; Social Equity: Is social equity relevant to trade issues?; What is gained and lost through the gradual homogenization and distortion of cultures as a result of globalization?

MGT 921 Advanced Quantitative Techniques

The purpose of the course is to develop basic competence and judgment in using quantitative techniques to solve and analyse decision problems in business fields. This course takes an in-depth look at the practices in quantitative methods for business research. The course is designed to enable students understand use of descriptive statistical tools for establishing normality, variable independence and linearity. Different methods of research instrument reliability and validity will be carried out. The course promises to expose students to data coding and exploratory analysis in checking for errors. The course will dig deep into various classifications of research variables and their implications for choice of data analysis. Different forms of research questions (descriptive, associational and difference) will be examined with their relevant data analysis techniques. The students will be exposed to all forms of parametric statistics and non-parametric statistics used in data analysis.

MGT 922    PhD Seminar Series        

This seminar introduces students to the most recent research in the area of Management and organizational analysis, examining current issues and trends. Students have an opportunity to present and discuss their own research and actively engage in the analysis and discussion of the work of others. Each student is expected to make at least one presentation during the course, focusing on the formulation, design, execution, and results of his or her research.

MGT 923     Nigerian Business Environments       

This course will describe the general character of the business environment and consider a few approaches for managing relations with it. It will identify the components of the business environment, note differences in these components and discuss the implications of these differences. It will also explore the notion of functional integration by pinpointing relations between the particular components of the business environments, and their implications for corporate strategic management.

MGT 924   Governments, Business and Society

The course will examine the area of government business and business-society relations. The responsibilities of the firm in these areas, the role of the general manager, the skills needed and ethical and philosophical issues will be discussed. The course introduces major areas of development management related to their political context in government, and including study of related skills in basic planning and policy presentation, subjects include: administration in government, institutional and political framework, human resources- the structure of human resource management, motivation in work and morale in the public service.

MGT 925   Technologies, the Firm and Management

Top management has to understand and take decisions concerning technology. The course will attempt to make the students to develop a methodology of understanding technology. Areas to be covered would include appropriate technology, transfer of technology, criteria for choice of technology, technology buying, borrowing, etc.

MGT 926   Management Communications

Fundamental Intra and Interpersonal Skills.  Principles of Business Writing (Letters, Memos, Reports).  Interviewing Skills.  Persuasive Skills: CredibilityArgumentation, Emotional Intelligence.  Oral Presentation Skills.  Handling Interpersonal Conflict. Employee Communication Systems.

MGT 927 Advanced Marketing Theories

The course seeks to expose students to students to traditional and contemporary marketing, in addition to their associated controversies. Specifically, students are to be exposed to advanced theories and controversies in such major marketing areas as scope of marketing, science and art in marketing, qualitative and quantitative methods in marketing research, marketing-mix elements and relationship marketing, the service domain controversy, strategic marketing management, and scope of marketing, among others. Students are to be exposed to scholarly works (reading and seminars) in journals and textbooks utilizing relevant advanced marketing theories.

MGT 928 Marketing Management and Strategies

Marketing Planning.  Marketing Implementation.  Marketing Department Organization.  Marketing Control.  Product/Brand Management.  Personal Selling. Sales Management. Trade Marketing.

MGT 929 Development of Marketing Thought

The course aims to expose students to the relevant stages in the evolution of marketing thought, including contributions from cognate disciplines such as economics, philosophy of science, psychology, sociology, statistics, and anthropology, among others. Students are expected to develop seminar-based papers that incorporate the contributions from these cognate disciplines to the development of marketing thought.                    

MGT 930 Readings & Seminar in Marketing Research

The course prepares students on the use of rich literature and research in the area of marketing research. Students are expected to explore, comprehensively, the rich material in extant marketing research literature, critique the materials, and prepare and present scholarly papers before a scholarly audience.

MGT 931 Behavioural Science

Behavioural sciences – composition, historical evolution, future trends especially the African focus, Organisational behaviour, individual behaviour and concepts, interpersonal and group behaviour. Organization – structure and processes, human resources management process, human development concept and measurement, and organization perspectives in Africa, Nigeria in particular.

MGT 932 Human Behaviour In Organization                     

This course covers various issues on the management of individuals, groups and organisations. It is aimed at increasing the personal effectiveness and skill of participants in understanding, analysing and managing people in organisations. Introduction to Human Problems in Organisations. The Role of the Manager.  Motivation.  Group Dynamics.  Delegation.  Power and Authority.  Management Style. Organizational Structure: Strategy and Structure. Organizational Forms: Functional, Divisional, Matrix, Networks. Career Management: Early & Mid-Career. The Dynamics of Taking Charge. Leadership: Theories of Leadership. Leadership Values. Change Management: Drivers of Change. Communicating Change. Implementing Change.

MGT 933 Selected Topics in Organizational Behaviour       

The doctoral seminar on organizational behaviour aims to provide a broad panorama of the field of organizational behavior, the study of individuals and groups within an organizational context, and the study of internal processes and practices as they affect individuals and groups. In the course of this seminar, students should get familiar with the basic concepts of organizational behavior, develop the skill of critically reviewing and commenting academic journal papers, explore the main journals in this field, and redact a literature review/manuscript on a specific topic in OB. The topics that will be discussed are personality, motivation, cognition, emotion, social processes, group processes, organizational relationships, leadership and power, organizational processes and practices, individual, group, and organizational outcomes.

MGT 934 Advanced Organizational Theory 

This seminar presents, discusses and evaluates contemporary developments in the field of organizational theory.  Perspectives inherent in demography, environmentalism, networks, resource dependency and neo-institutional approaches are examined in detail. The conceptual challenges posed to existing theories by the emerging plurality of organizational forms are given special consideration. The seminar emphasizes non-economic approaches to organizational phenomena.

MGT 935 Operations Management

Introduction to Operations Management.  Process Flow Analysis Techniques. The Concept of Bottleneck & Process Improvement. Process Flow Design. Queues and Waiting Lines.  Inventory Management.  Aggregate Production Planning.  Production Planning Control.  Materials Requirement Planning. Service Operations Planning and Scheduling. Work Activity: Man-Machine Interface. Managing Assembly Lines.  The Application of the Logistics Concepts.  Role of Quality Assurance.  Process Control.  Introduction to Project Management.

MGT 936 Operations Strategy

Operation Strategy: The way to obtain Competitive Advantage;  Operations Strategic Analysis; Competing Through Innovation;  New Product Development Process.

Strategic Management of the Supply Chain: Supply Chain Management; Just-In-Time Management; Supplier Network Development; Outsourcing and Logistics.

Operations Improvement Strategies: Total Quality Management; ISO 9000 Quality Management Systems; Six Sigma Quality; Problem Solving Techniques and Business Process Re-engineering.

MGT 937  Project Management

The main objective of this course is to introduce the students to the principles and practice of modern Project Management. In-depth perspectives on project life cycle from initiation, planning, execution, close-out and monitoring and evaluation will be explored. Students will be exposed to various project appraisal criteria (financial and non-financial).  The practical sessions will involve the use of project management software in the execution of real-life projects. The course shall focus on managing quality, risk and communication, human resource planning and team building. Project Monitoring and Control, Critical Chain Project Management,  and Project Closure will be dwelt on . The use of project planning tools such as critical path methods, Gantt Chart and resources optimisations techniques like linear programming and assignment model will be demonstrated.

MGT 938  Service Management

The service management course aims at developing students in understanding customer needs in service industries. The course will focus on customer service excellence, service system design, capacity planning, matching supply and demand, service recovery strategy, service performance measurement and, customer satisfaction.

MGT 939     Entrepreneurship and New Venture Management        

The main objective of this course is to examine theory and practice of entrepreneurship in the small as well as large corporation. Particular attention will be paid to programme for development of entrepreneurs, especially in developing countries.

MGT 940        Entrepreneurial Finance

The aim of this course is to provide, from an entrepreneurial perspective, an understanding of the key accounting and finance tools that will increase the visibility of financial information and support decision making. The topics will include interpretation of financial statements, evaluation of cost behaviour for decision making purposes and financial management techniques to evaluate capital investment opportunities, management of working capital and sources of entrepreneurial finance.

MGT 941        Competitive Strategy

The Strategy Process. Industry Analysis and Attractiveness of Industries.  Building Core Competencies and Competitive Advantage.  Generic Strategies.   Corporate Strategy.   Strategy Implementation. Strategies for Growth. Strategy in the Emerging Domestic Markets.  Creating New Markets. Strategies in Fast Changing Environments and Markets. Business Strategy Game.

Project – Strategic Analysis of a Chosen Company.

MGT 942        Contemporary Issues in Human Resource Management

It examines currents developments and researches in Human Resource Management. Issues such as the integration of human resource management and corporate strategy. How can organizations design their human resources systems to significantly improve the attraction, utilization, and retention of talent in their organizationsContemporary issues on recruitment and selection process, performance management, reward systems, employee relations, and developing a committed workforce.

MGT 943  Advanced Human Resource Management

This course introduces students to the most recent developments in the area of HRM, examining current issues and trends. Students have an opportunity to present and discuss their own research and actively engage in the analysis and discussion of the work of others. Each student is expected to make at least one presentation during the course, focusing on the formulation, design, execution, and results of his/her research.

MGT 944  Seminar in Training, Development, Leadership and Productivity

Review of employee and management development theories, methods and practices. Evaluation and critique of these in the light of experiences in Nigeria and other African countries. Effects of culture, innovation on training and development.

MGT 945     Advanced Theory of Corporate Finance         

The nature of the firm and corporate objectives.  Implementation of the firms’ goals for choice among alternative investment projects (the capital budgeting problems), market valuation of non-assets under uncertainty and implication for capital budgeting, analysis and illustration with problems of alternative investment criteria, alternative approaches to value of the firm and the cost of capital; discussion of corporate financial problems; e.g. leasing, mergers and acquisitions, and issuance of new securities.                                   

MGT 946         Advanced Portfolio Theory and Management

The study covers portfolio selection as a problem of constrained utility maximization under conditions of uncertainty. The understanding of concept of portfolio risk and return, portfolio covariance, correlation and coefficient of correlation will be dwelt on. Students will be exposed to the impact of macro-economic environment on portfolio decisions.   Discussion of the different markets, along empirical evidence for validity of the theory; activities involved in making selection among alternative financial assets from the viewpoints of individuals and institutional investors; implications of the efficient market theory for the profitability of alternative investment; valuation of f financial statements and analysis. The empirical evidence for various mean variance models of assets for evaluating portfolio performance is emphasized.         

MGT 947           Advanced Theory of Financial Intermediation         

The course analysis financial markets conceptually and theoretically, emphasizing the role, structure and activities of financial intermediaries. The dynamic pattern of financial flows is analyzed by flour of funds, and uses/sources of funds, models of the process of financial intermediation and the theory of the banking firm.  The crucial role of interest rate and structure of interest rates are analyzed. Also analyzed are the regulatory framework and its impact on banking operations, market structure and performance of the financial intermediation functions of the institutions. 

MGT 948           Empirical Investigations in Finance

Market efficiency tests, term structure theory tests, test of asset pricing models, tests of divided policy and financial structure issues. Topic focus on statistical  and methodological problems encountered in empirical research in related areas of finance, economics etc.                                

MGT 949           History of Accounting Thought

The nature and scope of accounting and its evolution; The accounting function and its relationship with the information systems of organizations. Accounting procedures and systems. Source documents, books of original entry and books of accounts. Double entry book-keeping systems, the trial balance, accruals, prepayments and adjustments. Provisions and reserves, classification of expenditure between capital and revenue, methods of recording accounting data-manual and mechanical; manufacturing, trader. Accounting treatment of control accounts and bank reconciliation.

MGT 950           Advanced Financial Accounting Theory                   

Further work on advanced company accounts including the accounts of banks and insurance companies, and the Nigerian Insurance Acts. Valuation of goodwill and company shares. Divisible profits and company dividends. Royalty and hire-purchase accounts. Consolidated and other group accounts. Elements of mechanized accounting, including the application of computers and related systems to business accounts. Governmental, municipal and public utility accounting, with special reference to Nigerian Organisations. Seminars on accounting systems, including business, governmental municipal and public utility accounting systems.

MGT 951          Advanced Auditing Theory

This course will be conducted largely on a seminar basis with intensive discussion given to contemporary issues in auditing theory. Emphasis will be placed on a critical appraisal of current international standards on auditing as they relate to various aspects of the role of both the internal and external auditors.

MGT 952          Contemporary Issues in Accounting

Discussion and articulation of recent developments in the accounting literature.

MGT 953          Public Sector Accounting                    

This course provides a comprehensive study of management control problems and system of organisation in the public sector of the economy. The course covers organisation, financial control, performance measurement, budgeting and planning of activities. It also considers the effect of PPBS, ZBB on the control of these organisations and also the exploration of the design of new approaches to solving their traditional control problems. Case studies in financial planning and control as applicable to the public sector will be used extensively.

MGT 954          Environmental Accounting          

This course has the aim of inculcating in the students the idea of cost and control processes of the effects of productive activities on the environment. Issues about sustainable accounting and financing.

MGT 999 Thesis

Students are expected to conduct quality research in their field of specialization leading to original contributions to the body of knowledge in management theory and practices.  A research based study and report on an acceptable management problem area approved by the Faculty Board on the recommendation of the candidate’s supervisor(s).

Eligibility and Admission Process

  • The criteria for eligibility into the programme are as follows:

For MPhil/PhD candidate:

  • The M.Phil/PhD programme shall be opened to candidates having:

A good Masters degree (with a CGPA ≥ 3.50 or equivalent of an average score of 55%) in related discipline from any University or institution of higher learning as approved by the Senate of Pan-Atlantic University.

  • The PhD programme shall be opened only to candidates having:

An M.Phil. degree or a good Masters degree in a related discipline (with a CGPA ≥ 4.00 or equivalent of an average score of 60%) from any University or institution of higher learning as approved by the Senate of Pan-Atlantic University.

Admission Process

  • The admission process is in two stages:
  • Stage I: The candidate complete the application process through the Pan-Atlantic Online Admission platform for the programme with relevant requirements which include a research proposal in the area of interest of the candidate.
  • Stage II: All eligible candidates will be shortlisted and invited for an interview which among others includes the presentation of the proposal submitted. And only candidates who passed the interview are admitted.

Application Details

• Academic transcripts to be submitted in August 2025
• Application period: February 2025– August 2025
• Exam date: August 2025
 Start date: October 2025

A visit to the Pan-Atlantic University is welcome. In addition, an information session is held at the University once a year. At the session, you will be given extensive information about the PhD programme and the PAU environment.

For further enquiries, please contact:

PhD in Management,
Pan-Atlantic University
KM 52 Lekki-Epe Expressway
Ajah, Lagos


Ndidi – 0708 864 1465

David – 07017825427

Lekan- 08135551765

Chioma – 08164820228

Application Process: There is no entrance exam.

Candidates complete the PAU online application process with the submission of their proposal online. Then, short-listed candidates are invited for interview which includes presentation of the proposal submitted. Candidates who pass the interview will be admitted.

Application Processing Fee:   The application fee isN50,000:00 only

Note: Candidates should indicate which payment plan is good for them and stick to it.
Any extra year, the candidate pays the amount paid in the previous session onward.
If it is extra semester, the candidate pays 50% of the amount paid the previous year.

Payment Plan  Year 1 Total Fees ₦3,000,000 Year 2 Total Fees ₦2,750,000  Year 3 Total Fees ₦2,750,000
Plan A  Full session fees Full session fees Full session fees
₦ 3 Million (upon admission in Sept.) ₦ 2.75 Million  (upon resumption  in Sept.) ₦ 2.75 Million  (upon resumption  in Sept.)
Plan B  1st Semester: 1st Semester: 1st Semester:
₦1.5 Million (upon admission in Sept.) ₦1.375 Million (upon admission in Sept.) ₦1.375 Million (upon admission in Sept.)
2nd Semester: 2nd Semester: 2nd Semester:
₦1.5 Million (upon resumption in March) ₦1.375 Million (upon resumption in March) ₦1.375 Million (upon resumption in March)
Plan C 1st Semester: 1st Semester: 1st Semester:
₦ 800,000  (upon admission  in Sept.) ₦ 775,000  (upon admission  in Sept.) ₦ 775,000  (upon admission  in Sept.)
₦ 700,000 (To be paid in January) ₦ 600,000 (To be paid in January) ₦ 600,000 (To be paid in January)
2nd Semester: 2nd Semester: 2nd Semester:
₦ 800,000 (upon resumption in March) ₦ 775,000 (upon resumption in March) ₦ 775,000 (upon resumption in March)
₦ 700,000 (To be paid in May) ₦ 600,000 (To be paid in May) ₦ 600,000 (To be paid in May)
Payment Plan Year 1 Total Fees ₦3,500,000 Year 2 Total Fees ₦3,000,000  Year 3 Total Fees ₦3,000,000
Plan A  Full session fees Full session fees Full session fees
₦ 3.5 Million (upon admission in Sept.) ₦ 3 Million  (upon resumption  in Sept.) ₦ 3 Million  (upon resumption  in Sept.)
Plan B 1st Semester:  1st Semester:  1st Semester:
₦1.75 Million (upon admission in Sept.) ₦1.5 Million (upon admission in Sept.) ₦1.5 Million (upon admission in Sept.)
2nd Semester:  2nd Semester:  2nd Semester: 
₦1.75 Million (upon resumption in March) ₦1.5 Million (upon resumption in March) ₦1.5 Million (upon resumption in March)
Plan C 1st Semester:   1st Semester:   1st Semester:
₦ 900,000  (upon admission  in Sept.) ₦ 800,000  (upon admission  in Sept.) ₦ 800,000  (upon admission  in Sept.)
₦ 850,000 (To be paid in January) ₦ 700,000 (To be paid in January) ₦ 700,000 (To be paid in January)
2nd Semester:  2nd Semester:   2nd Semester: 
₦ 900,000 (upon resumption in March) ₦ 800,000 (upon resumption in March) ₦ 800,000 (upon resumption in March)
₦ 850,000 (To be paid in May) ₦ 700,000 (To be paid in May) ₦ 700,000 (To be paid in May)