Archives: News

Career Forum Enahoro Okhae

The PAU Career and Internship unit will be hosting Enahoro Okhae (Mr. Leverage), the Managing Director of Pause Factory (West African Partner to 6 Seconds Emotional Intelligence Network USA), in a forum with our final year undergraduate students on Emotional Intelligence in the workplace. Enahoro Okhae is also the Co-Founder of GlobalCerts and Strategy; (Nigerian Delivery Partner for The KPI Institute Australia.) He is the founder of Simeon’s Pivot Resources; a leading Human Resource and […]

Omolara Yeku to Speak at the PAU Annual Career Fair

Pan-Atlantic University will be hosting Omolara Yeku, Head of HR, Food Division at Flour Mills of Nigeria Plc at its annual career fair, taking place virtually on February 17, 2021. She will be speaking on the theme of the event “Leadership and Millennials: Adapting to New Work Realities”. Omolara Yeku is a global HR leader, HR strategist, career coach, speaker, and author who is well recognized for her immense contributions to the current trends and […]

Students Resume Physically at the PAU Main Campus

The University received 100 level students to the main campus on January 16th and 17th 2021. Strict protocols have been put in place within the campus to mitigate the spread of Corona virus. All other students were admitted into the the halls of residence on January 23rd and 24th. As part of compliance to COVID-19 regulations, all students admitted into the halls of residence were tested for Corona virus.  

COVID-19 Safety: Resumption Guidelines

Physical teaching will resume on the main campus of the University by January 2021, members of the University community must adhere strictly to safety guidelines for mitigating the spread of the COVID-19 Virus. Covid-19 Resumption Policies and Guidelines for Students Entry into school premises: All students must submit to a temperature check at the main entrance gate by the expressway. There will also be a mandatory temperature check at the entrance of any hall of […]