
Welcome to Pan-Atlantic University’s Undergraduate and Graduate Programmes! Explore our diverse academic offerings designed to inspire and empower the next generation of leaders. Join us to embark on a transformative educational journey.

Postgraduate Programmes


PAU offers graduate degree programmes at two levels – Masters degrees and PhD programmes.

Masters Programmes

PAU offers Master’s programmes in economics. business administration, film production, data science and media and communication.

Doctoral Programmes

PAU offers full-time doctoral programmes in the following areas:

  • Management. The four-year PhD in management programme began in 2006. This programme provides a solid foundation for those who aspire to a career in the research, study, and teaching disciplines that underlay business administration.

  • Media and Communication. The three-year PhD in Media and Communication programme began in 2013. The programme aims to institute and nurture a robust culture of research consonant with the highest professional competence, ethical conduct and academic excellence in communication and media.